User manual

First thing first: Install Napture.

This is the guide to install Bussin Napture, the official Web X browser.


  • Download Rust. Then, you just need to open as an executable (if you can't execute it, first do sudo chmod +x ./, then you should be able to install).


  • Download Rust and Homebrew. Then, you just need to open as an executable (if you can't execute it, first do chmod +x ./, then you should be able to install).


  • Install the executable from the release tab. It's a self-extractor with WinRAR because it has a lot of DLLs.

Arch Linux

Run yay -S napture. It's available on AUR.


Flakes: The repository provides a flake which exposes an overlay providing the webx package, so you could just add the input in your flake.nix file

    inputs = {
        webx.url = "github:face-hh/webx";

Then add it to your overlays and install it

{ inputs, ... }: {
    nixpkgs.overlays = [

For now, only tested on x86_64-linux, but may work on others aswell, just change the arch

Add it to either home.packages (home manager) or environment.systemPackages (global packages).

home.packages = with pkgs; [

Then you could just launch it using webx in your terminal.

Go here for the releases tab. Always download the Latest one.

Next: Using it!

It's very easy. This is your startpage:

This is Dingle, WebX's official search engine. Just like a normal search engine, type in a query, and then click on one of the results to visit a website.

Websites may not have a description. That depends if the developer added a description or not.

Also, don't forget you can click on the Tab name to bring up the About popup, which contains all the shortcuts.

And that's pretty much it! Enough to have some fun browsing the Web X.

Last updated