Getting started

Welcome to Web X development!

Note this is guide is up to date for B9 ENGINE - v1.2.2 (Napture and B9's version number are synchronized). If the browser gets a new release, wait for someone to commit / PR an update to the docs (or make a commit yourself, if you feel like helping).

What we'll see

Web X websites are developed with HTML, CSS, and Luau. In this guide, you'll basically find:

  • Full syntax explained.

  • How to register a domain and upload your website to Web X.

  • Additional details on how Bussin's API works.

File structure

Let's start with the basics. In order to make a web, you'll need to make a project with the following file structure:

- index.html
- styles.css
- script.lua

The index file must be called "index.html".

As of version 1.2.2, Web X does not support routing, so no multiple pages (/index.html, /hello.html) are supported.

Don't get confused

And hey, now that we talk about versioning, you might want to know this:

Don't get confused with naming

Napture and B9 are connected, but they are not the same!

  • Web X - The entire project, including the DNS and all that stuff.

  • Napture - The browser itself, used to render websites using the B9 engine.

  • B9 engine (or just "B9") - Napture's rendering engine, which renders the HTML, CSS, and Luau. Most features will need to be supported by this, not by the browser itself. They both have the same version number. Currently, the Latest version is v1.2.2.

If an update releases and the documentation isn't up to date yet, you should see an alert at the beggining of this page. Contributors will try to keep this documentation up to date as soon as updates get released.

Dev menus and settings

Plus, before starting, you might want to note these keybinds somewhere:




This will open Napture's Settings.

This will open Napture Logs. Here you'll see logs of what's going on with your own code.

This will open the GTK Inspector. Here you'll see logs of what's going on with GTK (the UI toolkit that powers B9).

Now, let's start! Go to the next pages to start learning how to write your own HTML, CSS, and Lua.

Last updated